The spring snow goose season can be alot of hard work but also very rewarding when a hunt comes together. This spring was no different then years past, lots of mudd in the fields and very little success on decoying the snow geese. That didn't stop me and a few of my friends from chasing them. All of the hard work paid off on the last hunt of the year when we had small bunches of snows come right into the decoys.
The photographs below are from a few of the hunts and after putting out the decoys. We switched locations of the spread one particular day and then I took sometime to take photographs of the decoys. On the D90 this spring was the 70-300mm lense and I did most of these shots in RAW and aperture priority to control the depth of field that I wanted to get on the particular shot.
#1. Getting some Zzzz's in the Ground Force.
#2. Afternoon sunset over the decoys. 

#4. During the off season, I added TnT shells to the sillosocks and it really created a nice spread of decoys.
#5. Black & white

#7. Close up of the TnT's.

#8. Black & white with alittle infrared mixed in PSE8.