The seventh hole at Lake Panorama National Golf Course is a challenging par 3 guarded by water on the right side of the green. Playing at 191 yards from the blues to 165 yards from the yellows and only 120 yards from the reds, club selection can range from a long iron to a short iron. The bailout area is left of the green to miss the pond but you will be faced with a difficult chip to a green that runs towards the water. Getting through this hole with a par is a good score.
#1. View of the seventh green from the red tee box. The tree on the right side can stop a tee shot from going into the water but the tree on the left can hinder a high pitch shot if the tee shot was pulled.
#2. A view over looking the pond towards the green with houses in the background.

3. A view looking towards the green over the pond during the fall.

4. The same view but with alittle Photo Shop done on the picture.

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