Cameron got to experience a neat little hunting spot on a small pothole but unfortunately only got to retrieve one nice greenhead that morning. The majority of the time, Cameron stayed behind the log and looked to the skies hoping to see ducks. Shots taken with the D90 and Sigma 50-150 mm in AV mode.


Taz was the main "work horse" for the late season and retrieved geese and ducks in cold icy conditions along with snow covered corn fields. Sure is nice not to have to get out of the Ground Force and Power Hunters to retrieve downed geese out in the field when you are trying to stay out of the cold wind.






The newest member to the Raccoon River Labs kennel is Indy! This young pup has the drive to get those greenheads already and sure has a nose to find them in the grass. It will be fun to see this pup develop into another fine retriever from RRL.

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