I captured these images with the Nikon D90 and 18-105mm lense on a couple different days. Like I often do when shooting something that is landscape oriented, I put the camera in AV mode and used the RAW format to allow white balance correction if needed.
With the beautiful clouds and sunset during the time I was taking these photographs, I choice not to do too much work in ViewNX and PSE8. Basically the only adjustments that were made was changing the Picture Control in ViewNX to a custom Landscape curve I’ve created and putting the white balance to cloudy. These two adjustments made the colors richer and more realistic. Two of the images are a black and white conversion using the Virtual Studio plug in PSE8. For those two images, I used the World War II b/w filter and underexposed the filter a wee bit.
If this weather ever starts to change, hopefully I will be able to get some waterfowl hunting scenes. I’m looking forward to clicking away on incoming ducks and geese. I’ve also added a remote shutter release controller to allow me to set up my camera away from my blind and take pictures. It will be a fun fall and winter learning to use that.


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