Thursday, September 1, 2011

Lake Panorama National - Summer 11

Over the summer, Lake Panorama National Golf Course has been a beautiful place to play golf which also meant a great place to photograph. During the day or when leaving at night, I tried to get a few images when the lighting was just right.

Since most of these images were taking in quick circumstances, I did not use my tripod but did my best to rest the camera against my body or something else to help keep the camera still. The D90 was fitted with the 18-105mm for all of these shots. Aperture values ranged from just f8 to f13 since the sweet spot of the lense is right around those values. Because I shot from bright sunlight to sunset conditions, I ranged the ISO from 200 to 800 depending on how much light I needed to hit the sensor. If needed, exposure compensation was used to darken the sky.
Needing to change the white balance and picture control values, ViewNX was used to adjust these two adjustments. I was able to change the picture control to the custom Landscape-nature picture control because I was shooting in RAW. This control helps get the golf course colors to be contrasty but yet bright.
Not much was done in PSE8 other then cloning out hazard stakes and divots to improve the look of the holes. I did use a little blue filter to enhance the color of the ponds to get that Augusta look.
With fall approaching, I want to get out a few more times and capture the autumn leafs on the golf course before the golfing season is over.















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