Monday, November 11, 2013

2013 Lake Panorama National Golf Course - From One Extreme to Another

With my camera with me at all times, I was able to capture dramatic clouds over Lake Panorama National Golf Course this year that showcase the beautiful surroundings of the area. I captured these photographs during late evening hours in the spring and mid day during the summer and fall.

The trusty D90 was used with the 12-24mm and 24-120mm lense to get both wide angle and closer up images of the golf holes I selected to capture. I used aperture priority mode from f9-f11 and ISO of 200-500. To light up the flag stick, I used the SB-700 Speedlight as well set to manual mode to control the power output. Exposure compensation on the camera was set to -0.3 too on the RAW files.

I transferred the files onto my laptop and opened them up using ViewNX. For sunset images, I changed the white balance to shade while daylight images were set to direct sunlight. Nature landscape and golf course custom picture controls were used to improve the color. For future post processing steps, I copied certain images and adjusted the exposure compensation in five different steps to create HDR images.

The final step of post processing was done using PSE 11 with a wide range of tools in the program. The clone brush, straightening, crop, layer masks and brush tools were all used. The clone brush is great for getting rid of yardage and water hazard stakes that I don’t like in my photographs of the golf course. To create the HDR images, I used Easy HDR Pro 2 by combining 5 different exposed Tiff files into one image. The program has default settings for tonal curves and I decided on natural for these images.

It’s hard to believe another golfing season is over with but it started late with a wet spring, a drought during the summer and ended early but in between the golf course was in beautiful shape to capture great photographs.


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